Saturday, November 24, 2018

Wild Life BBQ

Rookie Meat Kebab
MaxHP+60, MaxSP+6, DEF+8

MaxHP+60, MaxSP+6, MDEF+8

MaxHP+60, MaxSP+6, ATK+8

MaxHP+60, MaxSP+6, MATK+8

MaxHP+90, MaxSP+9, DEF+12

MaxHP+90, MaxSP+9, ATK+12

MaxHP+90, MaxSP+9, MDEF+12

MaxHP+200, MaxSP+12, DEF+16, MDEF+16

MaxHP+120, MaxSP+12, Atk+16, PDEF+16, Dmg to Player+0,75%

MaxHP+120, MaxSP+12, MDEF+16

MaxHP+300, MaxSP+18, DEF+20, MDEF+20

MaxHP+180, MaxSP+18, Atk+20, PDEF+20, Dmg to Player+1%

MaxHP+180, MaxSP+18, MDEF+20

MaxHP+360, MaxSP+21, DEF+24, MDEF+24

MaxHP+216, MaxSP+21, ATK+24, DEF+24, Damage to Players+1.25%

MaxHP+216, MaxSP+21, MATK+24, MDEF+24

MaxHP+500, MaxSP+30, MATK+30, DEF+30

MaxHP+300, MaxSP+30, ATK+30, MDEF+30, Damage to Players+1.5%

MaxHP+300, MaxSP+30, MATK+30, MDEF+30, Will survive at 1 HP when received fatal damage, become invincible for next 2 sec. Cooldown: 15 sec. Can only be triggered once

MaxHP+600, MaxSP+36, DEF+32

MaxHP+360, MaxSP+36, ATK+32, DEF+32, Damage to Players+1.75%, Will survive at 1 HP when received fatal damage, become invincible for next 2 sec. Cooldown: 15 sec. Can only be triggered once

MaxHP+360, MaxSP+36, MATK+32, MDEF+32

MaxHP+700, MaxSP+42, DEF+36

MaxHP+420, MaxSP+42, ATK+36, DEF+36, Damage to Players+2%

MaxHP+420, MaxSP+42, MATK+36, MDEF+36, Will survive at 1 HP when received fatal damage, become invincible for next 2 sec. Cooldown: 15 sec. Can only be triggered once

MaxHP+830, MaxSP+50, DEF+38

MaxHP+500, MaxSP+50, ATK+38, DEF+38, Damage to Players+2.25%

MaxHP+500, MaxSP+50, MDEF+38, Cast Delay -2,25%

MaxHP+1000, MaxSP+60, DEF+40

MaxHP+600, MaxSP+60, ATK+40, DEF+40, Damage to Players+2.5%

MaxHP+600, MaxSP+60, MATK+40, MDEF+40, Will survive at 1 HP when received fatal damage, become invincible for next 2 sec. Cooldown: 15 sec. Can only be triggered twice

Original Will Green BBQ

  1. Bamboo Eggplant
  2. Gold Pumpkin
  3. Magic Spore
  4. Mountain Celery
  5. Miso Powder

Original Will Fish Kebab

  1. Marc Meat
  2. Swordfish Meat
  3. Marina Meat
  4. Inkfish Tentacle
  5. Miso Powder

Original Will Kebab

  1. Savage Meat
  2. Muka Meat
  3. Desert Wolf Meat
  4. Eggshell Chick
  5. Miso Powder

Prontera Royal Green BBQ

  1. Gold Pumpkin
  2. Mountain Celery
  3. West Gate Tomato
  4. Cheese
  5. Apple Vinegar

Prontera Royal Fish Kebab

  1. Swordfish Meat
  2. Marina Meat
  3. Vadon Meat
  4. Sauce
  5. Apple Vinegar

Prontera Royal Kebab

  1. Muka Meat
  2. Eggshell Chick
  3. Rocker Leg Meat
  4. Apple Vinegar
  5. Sauce

Sky Blade

  1. Gold Pumpkin
  2. Magic Spore
  3. Sauce
  4. Apple Vinegar

Trubius Seafood Kebab

  1. Swordfish Meat
  2. Inkfish Tentacle
  3. Apple Vinegar
  4. Cheese

Giant Pagoda

  1. Muka Meat
  2. Eggshell Chick
  3. Cream
  4. Sauce

Payon Vegetable Kebab

  1. Magic Spore
  2. West Gate Tomato
  3. Milk
  4. Vanilla

Call From Ocean

  1. Inkfish Tentacle
  2. Vadon Meat
  3. Chili
  4. Vanilla

Gold Cross Kebab

  1. Eggshell Chick
  2. Rocker Leg Meat
  3. Vanilla
  4. Chili

Magic Green BBQ

  1. Magic Spore
  2. West Gate Tomato
  3. Salt
  4. Flour

Magic Seafood

  1. Inkfish Tentacle
  2. Hydra Meat
  3. West Gate Tomato
  4. Salt

Magic Meat Kebab

  1. Lunatic Meat
  2. Desert Wolf Meat
  3. Poring Apple
  4. Salt

Yummy Vegetable

  1. Gold Pumpkin
  2. South Gate Carrot
  3. Apple Vinegar

Yummy Seafood Kebab

  1. Swordfish Meat
  2. Vadon Meat
  3. Apple Vinegar

Yummy Kebab

  1. Muka Meat
  2. Desert Wolf Meat
  3. Apple Vinegar

Flame Vegetable Kebab

  1. Gold Pumpkin
  2. Magic Spore
  3. Chili

Superb Seafood Kebab

  1. Swordfish Meat
  2. Marina Meat
  3. Chili

Gold Kebab

  1. Muka Meat
  2. Eggshell Chick
  3. Vanilla

Farmer's Smile

  1. Magic Spore
  2. Poring Apple
  3. Sugar

Izlude Pride

  1. Marina Meat
  2. Inkfish Tentacle
  3. Vadon Meat

Starving Kebab

  1. Desert Wolf Meat
  2. Rocker Leg Meat
  3. Magic Spore


  1. South Gate Carrot
  2. Salt

Island Kebab

  1. Hydra Meat
  2. Flour

Popular Kebab

  1. Rocker Leg Meat
  2. Salt

Rookie Fruit Slices

All Type of Fruit

Rookie Seafood Kebab

All Type of Seafood

Rookie Vegetable Kebab

All Type of Vegetable

Rookie Meat Kebab

All Type of Meat

Pressure Cooker

Rookie Broth
MaxHP+60, MaxSP+6, DEF+8

Rookie Vegetable Soup
MaxHP+60, MaxSP+6, MDEF+8

Rookie Fish Soup
MaxHP+60, MaxSP+6, ATK+8

Rookie Black Tea
MaxHP+60, MaxSP+6, MATK+8

Fragrance Broth
MaxHP+90, MaxSP+9, DEF+21

Fish Head Soup
MaxHP+90, MaxSP+9, ATK+12

Mum's Soup
MaxHP+90, MaxSP+9, MATK+12, MDEF+12

Music Box Broth
MaxHP+120, MaxSP+12, DEF+16, Gear ASPD+0.01

Warm Currents
MaxHP+120, MaxSP+12, ATK+16, MDEF+16, Ignore DEF+0.75%

Tasty Vegetable Soup
MaxHP+120, MaxSP+12, MATK+16, MDEF+16

MaxHP+180, MaxSP+18, DEF+20, Gear ASPD+1.5%

Singing Soul
MaxHP+180, MaxSP+18, ATK+20, MDEF+20, Ignore DEF+1%

Warm Oasis
MaxHP+180, MaxSP+18, MATK+20, MDEF+20

Yummy Broth
MaxHP+216, MaxSP+21, DEF+24, Gear ASPD+1.75%

Yummy Seafood Soup
MaxHP+216, MaxSP+21, ATK+24, MDEF+24, Ignore DEF+1.25%

Yummy Vegetable Soup
MaxHP+216, MaxSP+21, MATK+24, MDEF+24

Fantasy Broth
MaxHP+300, MaxSP+30, DEF+30, MDEF+30, Gear ASPD+2%

Fantasy Fish Soup
MaxHP+300, MaxSP+30, ATK+30, DEF+30, Ignore DEF+1.5%

Fantasy Vegetable Soup
MaxHP+300, MaxSP+30, MATK+30, MDEF+30

Mother's Hug
MaxHP+360, MaxSP+36, DEF+32, MDEF+32, Gear ASPD+2.5%

Al De Baran Fish Soup
MaxHP+360, MaxSP+36, ATK+32, MDEF+32, Ignore DEF+1.75%

Princess Black Tea
MaxHP+360, MaxSP+36, MATK+32, MDEF+32

Brandy March
MaxHP+420, MaxSP+42, DEF+36, MDEF+36, Gear ASPD+3%

Song For You
MaxHP+420, MaxSP+42, ATK+36, MDEF+36, Ignore DEF+2%

Sage In Dark
MaxHP+420, MaxSP+42, MATK+36, MDEF+36

Prontera Royal Broth
MaxHP+500, MaxSP+50, DEF+38, MDEF+38, Gear ASPD+3.25%

Prontera Royal Seafood Soup
MaxHP+500, MaxSP+50, ATK+38, MDEF+38, Ignore DEF+2.25%

Prontera Royal Vegetable Soup
MaxHP+500, MaxSP+50, MATK+38, MDEF+38

Original Will Broth
MaxHP+600, MaxSP+60, DEF+40, MDEF+40, Gear ASPD+3.5%

Original Will Seafood Soup
MaxHP+600, MaxSP+60, ATK+40, MDEF+40, Ignore DEF+2.5%

Original Will Vegetable Soup
MaxHP+600, MaxSP+60, MATK+40, MDEF+40

Original Will Vegetable Soup

  1. Bamboo Eggplant
  2. Gold Pumpkin
  3. Magic Spore
  4. Mountain Celery
  5. Miso Powder

Original Will Seafood Soup

  1. Marc Meat
  2. Swordfish Meat
  3. Marina Meat
  4. Inkfish Tentacle
  5. Rainbow powder

Original Will Broth

  1. Savage Meat
  2. Muka Meat
  3. Desert Wolf Meat
  4. Eggshell Chick
  5. Rainbow powder

Prontera Royal Vegetable Soup

  1. Bamboo Eggplant
  2. Gold Pumpkin
  3. South Gate Carrot
  4. Cheese
  5. Sauce

Prontera Royal Seafood Soup

  1. Marc Meat
  2. Swordfish Meat
  3. Hydra Meat
  4. Cheese
  5. Sauce

Prontera Royal Broth

  1. Savage Meat
  2. Muka Meat
  3. Lunatic Meat
  4. Apple Vinegar
  5. Cheese

Sage In Dark

  1. Gold Pumpkin
  2. Bamboo Eggplant
  3. Milk
  4. Cheese

Song For You

  1. Swordfish Meat
  2. Marc Meat
  3. Cheese
  4. Apple Vinegar

Brandy March

  1. Muka Meat
  2. Savage Meat
  3. Sauce
  4. Apple Vinegar

Princess Black Tea

  1. Magic Spore
  2. Mountain Celery
  3. Vanilla
  4. Salt

Al De Baran Fish Soup

  1. Inkfish Tentacle
  2. Marina Meat
  3. Sugar
  4. Vanilla

Mother's Hug

  1. Desert Wolf Meat
  2. Lunatic Meat
  3. Vanilla
  4. Chili

Fantasy Vegetable Soup

  1. West Gate Tomato
  2. South Gate Carrot
  3. Mountain Celery
  4. Flour

Fantasy Fish Soup

  1. Marina Meat
  2. Hydra Meat
  3. Milk
  4. Salt

Fantasy Broth

  1. Rocker Leg Meat
  2. Eggshell Chick
  3. South Gate Carrot
  4. Milk

Yummy Vegetable Soup

  1. Bamboo Eggplant
  2. Gold Pumpkin
  3. Cream

Yummy Seafood Soup

  1. Marc Meat
  2. Swordfish Meat
  3. Apple Vinegar

Yummy Broth

  1. Bamboo Eggplant
  2. Rocker Leg Meat
  3. Cream

Warm Oasis

  1. Bamboo Eggplant
  2. Gold Pumpkin
  3. Vanilla

Singing Soul

1. Swordfish Meat
2. Marc Meat
3. Milk


1. Savage Meat
2. Muka Meat
3. Sugar

Tasty Vegetable Soup

1. Mountain Celery
2. Magic Spore
3. Goblin Strawberry

Warm Currents

1. Inkfish Tentacle
2. Hydra Meat
3. Flour

Music Box Broth

1. Eggshell Chick
2. Rocker Leg Meat
3. Sugar

Mum's Soup

1. South Gate Carrot
2. West Gate Tomato

Fish Head Soup

1. Hydra Meat
2. Salt

Fragrance Broth

1. Lunatic Meat
2. Flour

Rookie Black Tea

All Type of Fruit

Rookie Fish Soup

All Type of Seafood

Rookie Vegetable Soup

All Type of Vegetable

Rookie Broth

All Type of Meat

Friday, November 23, 2018

Luxury Worktop

Rookie Meat Steak
MaxHP+60, MaxSP+6, DEF+8

MaxHP+60, MaxSP+6, MDEF+8

MaxHP+60, MaxSP+6, ATK+8

MaxHP+60, MaxSP+6, MATK+8

MaxHP+90, MaxSP+9, DEF+12

MaxHP+90, MaxSP+9, ATK+12

MaxHP+90, MaxSP+9, MATK+12

MaxHP+120, MaxSP+12, DEF+16, MDEF+16, Gain immunity to the status ailments received, Cooldown time : 15 sec. Can only immune 2 times of status ailments

MaxHP+120, MaxSP+12, ATK+16, Movement Speed+1%

MaxHP+120, MaxSP+12, MATK+16, Skill Delay-0.75%

MaxHP+180, MaxSP+18, DEF+20, Gain immunity to the status ailments received, Cooldown time : 15 sec. Can only immune 3 times of status ailments

MaxHP+180, MaxSP+18, ATK+20, Movement Speed+0.15%

MaxHP+180, MaxSP+18, MATK+20, Cast Delay -1%

MaxHP+216, MaxSP+21, DEF+24, Gain immunity to the status ailments received, Cooldown time : 15 sec. Can only immune 3 times of status ailments

MaxHP+216, MaxSP+21, ATK+24, Movement Speed+1.75%

MaxHP+216, MaxSP+21, MATK+24, Skill Delay-1.25%

MaxHP+300, MaxSP+30, DEF+30, Gain immunity to the status ailments received, Cooldown time : 15 sec. Can only immune 4 times of status ailments

MaxHP+300, MaxSP+30, ATK+30, Movement Speed+2%

MaxHP+300, MaxSP+30, MATK+30, Skill Delay-1.5%

MaxHP+360, MaxSP+36, DEF+32, Gain immunity to the status ailments received, Cooldown time : 15 sec. Can only immune 4 times of status ailments

MaxHP+360, MaxSP+36, ATK+32, Movement Speed+2.5%

MaxHP+360, MaxSP+36, MATK+32, Skill Delay-1.75%

MaxHP+420, MaxSP+42, DEF+36, Gain immunity to the status ailments received, Cooldown time : 15 sec. Can only immune 4 times of status ailments

MaxHP+420, MaxSP+42, ATK+36, Movement Speed+3%

MaxHP+420, MaxSP+42, MATK+36, Skill Delay-2%

MaxHP+500, MaxSP+50, DEF+38, Gain immunity to the status ailments received, Cooldown time : 15 sec. Can only immune 4 times of status ailments

MaxHP+500, MaxSP+50, ATK+38, Movement Speed+3.25%

MaxHP+500, MaxSP+50, MDEF+38, Skill Delay-2.25%, Will survive at 1 HP when received fatal damage, become invincible for next 2 sec. Cooldown: 15 sec. Can only be triggered twice

MaxHP+600, MaxSP+60, DEF+40, Gain immunity to the status ailments received, Cooldown time : 15 sec. Can only immune 4 times of status ailments

MaxHP+600, MaxSP+60, ATK+40, Movement Speed+3.5%

MaxHP+600, MaxSP+60, MDEF+40, Skill Delay-2.5%

Original Will Salad

1. Bamboo Eggplant
2. Gold Pumpkin
3. Magic Spore
4. Mountain Celery
5. Miso Powder

Original Will Fish Steak

1. Marc Meat
2. Swordfish Meat
3. Marina Meat
4. Inkfish Tentacle
5. Miso Powder

Original Will Steak

1. Savage Meat
2. Muka Meat
3. Desert Wolf Meat
4. Eggshell Chick
5. Miso Powder

Prontera Royal Salad

1. Bamboo Eggplant
2. Magic Spore
3. South Gate Carrot
4. Apple Vinegar
5. Sauce

Prontera Royal Fish Steak

1. Marc Meat
2. Inkfish Tentacle
3. Hydra Meat
4. Cheese
5. Apple Vinegar

Prontera Royal Steak

1. Savage Meat
2. Desert Wolf Meat
3. Lunatic Meat
4. Sauce
5. Cream

Sweet Coriander

1. Bamboo Eggplant
2. Mountain Celery
3. Sauce
4. Cream

Fisherman's Soul

1. Marc Meat
2. Marina Meat
3. Apple Vinegar
4. Sauce

Desert Steak

1. Savage Meat
2. Desert Wolf Meat
3. Apple Vinegar
4. Cheese

Forest Treasure

1. Mountain Celery
2. South Gate Carrot
3. Sugar
4. Chili


1. Marina Meat
2. Hydra Meat
3. Chili
4. Vanilla

Geffen Steak

1. Desert Wolf Meat
2. Eggshell Chick
3. Chili
4. Flour

Fantasy Salad

1. Mountain Celery
2. South Gate Carrot
3. Salt
4. Milk

Fantasy Seafood

1. Marina Meat
2. Vadon Meat
3. Salt
4. Sugar

Fantasy Steak

1. Eggshell Chick
2. Rocker Leg Meat
3. Salt
4. Sugar

Yummy Salad

1. Bamboo Eggplant
2. West Gate Tomato
3. Cream

Yummy Fish Steak

1. Marc Meat
2. Marina Meat
3. Apple Vinegar

Yummy Steak

1. Bamboo Eggplant
2. Lunatic Meat
3. Apple Vinegar

Spicy Branch Vegetable

1. Bamboo Eggplant
2. South Gate Carrot
3. Chili

East Seafood Kebab

1. Marc Meat
2. Inkfish Tentacle
3. Chili

Flame God History

1. Savage Meat
2. Desert Wolf Meat
3. Chili

Vegetable Meal

1. Mountain Celery
2. Magic Spore
3. Milk

Seafood Rice

1. Marina Meat
2. Inkfish Tentacle
3. Milk

Delicious Steak

1. Eggshell Chick
2. Desert Wolf Meat
3. Mountain Celery

Healthy Salad

1. West Gate Tomato
2. Salt

Seafood Bowl

1. Vadon Meat
2. Flour

Traveler Bacon

1. Lunatic Meat
2. Salt

Rookie Jam

All Type of Fruit

Rookie Fish Steak

All Type of Seafood

Rookie Fried Dish

All Type of Vegetable

Rookie Meat Steak

All Type of Meat

Beverage Stall

Rookie Sashimi
MaxHP+60, MaxSP+6, DEF+8

Rookie Salad
MaxHP+60, MaxSP+6, MDEF+8

Rookie Sushi
MaxHP+60, MaxSP+6, ATK+8

Rookie Fruit Plate
MaxHP+60, MaxSP+6, MATK+8

Ray Dessert
MaxHP+90, MaxSP+9, MDEF+12

Ice Cream
MaxHP+90, MaxSP+9, MATK+12, DEF+12

Smokie Cookie
MaxHP+90, MaxSP+9, MATK+12

Seaside Black Tea
MaxHP+120, MaxSP+12, MATK+16, DEF+16, Refine Piercing+0.75%

Cheese Cake
MaxHP+120, MaxSP+12, MATK+16, Damage to non-Boss+0.75%

Poring Parfait
MaxHP+120, MaxSP+12, ATK+16, MATK+16, Damage to Boss+0.75%

Duke Juice
MaxHP+180, MaxSP+18, MATK+20, DEF+20, Refine Piercing+1%

Vantican Bread
MaxHP+180, MaxSP+18, DEF+20, MDEF+20, Damage to non-Boss+1%

Ancient Ice Honey
MaxHP+180, MaxSP+18, ATK+20, MATK+20, Damage to Boss+1%

Yummy Cake
MaxHP+216, MaxSP+21, MATK+24, DEF+24, Refine Piercing+1.25%

Yummy Tea
MaxHP+216, MaxSP+21, DEF+24, MDEF+24, Damage to non-Boss+1.25%

Yummy Cookie
MaxHP+216, MaxSP+21, ATK+24, MATK+24, Damage to Boss+1.25%

Magic Bread
MaxHP+300, MaxSP+30, MATK+30, DEF+30, Refine Piercing+1.5%

Magic Ice Cream
MaxHP+300, MaxSP+30, DEF+30, MDEF+30, Damage to not-boss monsters+1.5%

Magic Cookie
MaxHP+300, MaxSP+30, ATK+30, MATK+30, Damage to Boss+1.5%

Noble Black Tea
MaxHP+360, MaxSP+36, MATK+32, DEF+32, Refine Piercing+1.75%

Merchant City's Cake
MaxHP+360, MaxSP+36, DEF+32, MDEF+32, Damage to non-Boss+1.75%

Bigfoot Forest Cookie
MaxHP+360, MaxSP+36, ATK+32, MATK+32, Damage to Boss+1.75%

Summer Star
MaxHP+420, MaxSP+42, MATK+36, DEF+36, Refine Piercing+2%

Princess Afternoon Tea
MaxHP+420, MaxSP+42, DEF+36, MDEF+36, Damage to non-Boss+2%

Gatler's Palace
MaxHP+420, MaxSP+42, ATK+36, MATK+36, Damage to Boss+2%

Prontera Royal Juice
MaxHP+500, MaxSP+50, MATK+38, DEF+38, Refine Piercing+2.25%

Prontera Royal Cookie
MaxHP+500, MaxSP+50, DEF+38, MDEF+38, Damage to non-Boss+2.25%

Prontera Royal Ice Cream
MaxHP+500, MaxSP+50, ATK+38, MATK+38, Damage to Boss+2.25%

Original Will Juice
MaxHP+600, MaxSP+60, MATK+40, DEF+40, Refine Piercing+2.5%

Original Will Cookie
MaxHP+600, MaxSP+60, DEF+40, MDEF+40, Damage to non-Boss+2.5%

Original Will Ice Cream
MaxHP+600, MaxSP+60, ATK+40, MATK+40, Damage to Boss+2.5%

Original Will Ice Cream

1. Moai Melon
2. Bigfoot Pineapple
3. Goblin Strawberry
4. Miso Powder
5. Rainbow powder

Original Will Cookie

1. Moai Melon
2. Bigfoot Pineapple
3. Goblin Strawberry
4. Yoyo Banana
5. Miso Powder

Original Will Juice

1. Moai Melon
2. Bigfoot Pineapple
3. Goblin Strawberry
4. Yoyo Banana
5. Rainbow powder

Prontera Royal Ice Cream

1. Bigfoot Pineapple
2. Goblin Strawberry
3. Poring Apple
4. Cheese
5. Cream

Prontera Royal Cookie

1. Moai Melon
2. Bigfoot Pineapple
3. Poring Apple
4. Cheese
5. Cream

Prontera Royal Juice

1. Moai Melon
2. Yoyo Banana
3. Smokie Grape
4. Cheese
5. Cream

Gatler's Palace

1. Bigfoot Pineapple
2. Yoyo Banana
3. Cream
4. Cheese

Princess Afternoon Tea

1. Moai Melon
2. Bigfoot Pineapple
3. Sugar
4. Cheese

Summer Star

1. Moai Melon
2. Goblin Strawberry
3. Cream
4. Cheese

Bigfoot Forest Cookie

1. Goblin Strawberry
2. Yoyo Banana
3. Vanilla
4. Flour

Merchant City's Cake

1. Yoyo Banana
2. Smokie Grape
3. Milk
4. Vanilla

Noble Black Tea

1. Goblin Strawberry
2. Poring Apple
3. Sugar
4. Vanilla

Magic Cookie

1. Yoyo Banana
2. Smokie Grape
3. Sugar
4. Milk

Magic Ice Cream

1. Poring Apple
2. Goblin Strawberry
3. Sugar
4. Milk

Magic Bread

1. Lunatic Meat
2. Goblin Strawberry
3. Salt
4. Flour

Yummy Cookie

1. Moai Melon
2. Poring Apple
3. Cream

Yummy Tea

1. Moai Melon
2. Bigfoot Pineapple
3. Milk

Yummy Cake

1. Bigfoot Pineapple
2. Smokie Grape
3. Cream

Ancient Ice Honey

1. Moai Melon
2. Bigfoot Pineapple
3. Vanilla

Vantican Bread

1. Savage Meat
2. Gold Pumpkin
3. Vanilla

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Duke Juice

1. Moai Melon
2. Goblin Strawberry
3. Vanilla

Poring Parfait

1. Smokie Grape
2. Poring Apple
3. Goblin Strawberry

Cheese Cake

1. Goblin Strawberry
2. Milk
3. Flour

Seaside Black Tea

1. Yoyo Banana
2. Sugar
3. Milk

Smokie Cookie

1. Smokie Grape
2. Flour
3. Salt

Ice Cream

1. Poring Apple
2. Smokie Grape

Ray Dessert

1. South Gate Carrot
2. Flour

Rookie Fruit Plate

All Type of "Fruit"

Rookie Sushi

All Type of "Seafood"

Rookie Salad

All Type of "Vegetable"

Rookie Sashimi

All Type of "Meat"